Pathway to Homeownership

There is no equity without equal access to opportunity.

3 Paths to Homeownership

All three of our paths to homeownership follow the same application process. You must complete the interest form and a loan pre-approval with a participating lender to go under contract on a home, and you must complete an application and receive a letter of approval in order to purchase a home.



ECLT Homes
for Sale

Stay In
Place Program (SIPP)


ECLT Homes
for Sale

Saving Toward
Equity Program (STEP)

DOORS to Opportunity

Qualify and apply first through our standard program and then indicate that you are interested in DOORS, our buyer-choice program. DOORS offers $50,000 or more in down payment assistance to help you purchase the open market home you want.

ECLT Homes for Sale

Qualify and apply to purchase one of ECLT’s recently remodeled or new construction homes.
Homes are available on a first come, first serve basis to our qualified waitlist.

Stay In Place Program (SIPP)

SIPP was created to offer new options for homeowners at risk of foreclosure or displacement to stay in their homes and communities.

At Elevation, we work to eliminate barriers to homeownership. One way we do this is through down payment assistance (DPA) programs. We work with several DPA providers to ensure that our homeowners have an affordable mortgage. If you want to learn more about our DPA resources click on applicant resources here.

Process for
ECLT Homes for Sale

ECLT maintains one list of qualified applicants. Fully qualified applicants that are on this list are eligible to purchase ECLT homes for sale.

Applicants for DOORS and STEP must first be fully qualified through the ECLT application
process for ECLT homes for sale.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don't have $3,000 available in savings. Can I use a gift for my $3,000 minimum savings balance?

  • I’m already prequalified with my own lender. Can we use their preapproval, and can you qualify my lender?

  • My lender’s income determination is much different than ECLT’s income projection.

  • Is there a paper application I can fill out?